YeS, that is 13 YeARs!

I honestly cant believe he is 13, sometimes I wonder where has all of this time gone? And even though I miss the day’s that he needed his mom, I am truly so proud of the young man he is becoming.
13 FuN facts about WyLiE on his 13th BiRtHdAy:
1-He completed his first year of Jr. High
2-He served on the 7th grade student government
3-His accumulative GPA was 3.988 (yep just one A-)
4-He is a total goof ball but only around his friends
5-He has an awesome sense of humor
6-He ran on the Track Team
7-Had an amazing Football season
8-This spring he showed us his stuff on the Baseball field for the first time since he was 5
9-Is a very loyal friend
10-Had more birthday wishes on FB than anyone I know
11-Grew at least 5 inches this school year
12- He was on the Chess Club
13- Has a heart of GoLD!
tHirTeEN years ago I was handed the most beautiful baby boy I had eVeR seen, of course I am biased because I am your mom. But at that moment my whole purpose made sense. You where the reason I would fight, thrive and become the woman I am today. You have made me a better person.
You have blessed my life ways I never could have imagined, you are such a great example in our family. I can only hope Payne is taking mental notes on how to behave when he is your age. Even though you are usually giving “things” up for Payne’s “wants”. You always take it in stride with the big brother role, I know right now it seems annoying but know that Payne will always remember your kindness.
I am so proud of all of your accomplishments and can only imagine what the future has in store for you. I love that you dream big and you heart is real. You have recently told me that you hope to go to the Air Force academy just like your big sister. The fact that you wish to serve your country at such a young age makes my heart swell. You are truly the greatest surprise I have ever received. I pray that all of your dreams come true. Happy thirteenth birthday Wy!
Love always,