Thursday, July 22, 2010

aRt woRk…

over the last couple of days I have collected some new pieces of art work for my office..

Nothing fancy or expensive but to me they are priceless.

Art work

I had asked Payne for a picture to hang in my new “office” right after I started my job. He must have remembered because when I came home he said “mommy, I have a surprise for you” and above are his masterpieces. As much as I miss him through out the day at least I get to look up and see his creations and think of the smile and pride he had when he showed me what he made. Oh, do I love that boy.

Just incase you are wondering what these are, his hands are turkeys and the pink creation are snow flakes… maybe he is ready for fall and winter?? I am just saying…..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

gIaNt mArshmaLLows….

I have a husband who loves to indulge my children's sweet tooth! After returning from the grocery store for milk, he surprised us with GIANT marshmallows, chocolate and gram crackers. I love a good roasted mallow over a campfire but since we  have no fire, we turned to our trusty gas stove. I lit those baby’s up and we roasted our mallows over open flame in the kitchen. It was fun, quick,  yummy and super sticky!!!

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If you see these in your grocery store do not pass them by,

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may 19 2010 021

because you would be missing a really gooey goodness!!

dOg-gone tired……

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This is Payne in his Halloween costume from two years ago, yes he still wears it… all the time, however it does not fit quite right but that doesn’t stop him. He cant get enough. He loves to pretend that he is a dog just like Norman. The thing is made to keep kids cozy in the fall weather while they trick- or- treat but he has it on in the COOL 100 degree weather we are enjoying, can you say hOtt!! After he is done crawling around on all four, wrestling our dog, jumping off couches, he is dOg-gone tired and smells just like one too:)

fiNding baLanCe….

I recently returned to work, I enjoy my new job, the people, etc... but it has been harder than I thought to go BACK.

I loved being home, in a perfect world I would choose to stay home, never before would I have thought that would be something for me. I miss my kids…

When I stayed home, I knew it was a very temporary arrangement… I made a conscious effort to enjoy every moment of it. I didn’t sweat the small stuff. I was in the moment. I learned so much about parenting that I have really missed out on by working. Unfortunately our pocket book didn’t enjoy it as much as I did.

So, going back to work… I leave early(7:30) so that I can be home by 4:30 to enjoy a few hours of daylight with my boys. But after getting up early, working all day, meeting people demands  requests, I feel like am a little less kind to the people that matter most, I have been very short tempered and it finally hit me yesterday.

I need to look at working like I did my short vacation. Everyday is a gift, my family is what matters most, enjoy every minute you have and who cares if dishes didn’t make it to the dishwasher, enjoy what time you have.

I am going to try and find that balance between working and being a great working mom!!!

feb '10 018

Cause I LUV these boys!!!

I blame him….


Our house is dirty, dusty and down right gross and I am blaming the dog!!

When we (I) decided to get a dog the FIRST requirement was that he would be non-shedding. I felt I did my research (for a whole year) and picked the right dog for our family but this man sheds like nobody’s business. I find dog hair, hair balls, traces of him everywhere.

No matter how much I dislike it, I think he is a keeper, just look at that mug, could he be any cutter? And he is not all that bad anymore (it was a ROUGH first year and a half). He just turned two and has mellowed sooo much.

I am happy we decided to bring a dog into our family, I think it has taught my kids a few lessons in responsibility and love. Even my heart has softened a little.

**Happy Belated BIRTHDAY Norman!!!

a little independence…

with the change of age comes the benefit of a little more independence…

I am trying to let Wylie really enjoy his summer and spread his wings.

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So Wylie went to his first movie (a matinee) with just friends!! I thought it was so cute that they choose to see Toy Story 3, for the third time. I guess even though he is growing at leaps and bounds, he is still young and innocent.

I was so nervous, but I walked them in, helped them get their tickets and popcorn made sure their phones were off and gave my boy a “side” hug, I didn’t want him to look lame with a mom gushing over him, but I need a little hug to reassure myself that it will all be ok.

Of course I was there ten minutes before the movie ended ready to pick them up, text him to let him know I was there and sighed a huge relief when I saw them walk out….

**I am sooooo behind in keeping up with our blog, this post was originally started in the middle of June!