Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Donut Falls

My Brother in Law Matt had a friend in town from Brazil and he wanted to show him around a little so we joined them on a little outing up Provo Canyon to Donut Falls.

This is the first time I had ever been and can’t really say it was as amazing as I had hoped but Payne LOVED playing in the water (i think he was a fish in his last life).

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this is my favorite picture….

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Payne and Uncle Matt

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In late summer, Payne started his 2nd year of preschool with his best friend Syd. I think the this was the best decision I have ever made for him. They go in the afternoon and carpool with her mom (which Payne loves) On days that he  doesn’t want to go, she shows up and everything changes. She is his rock.

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I see a long future for these two, just saying;)

Monday, January 24, 2011


In the early days of Fall we took a trip up Provo Canyon to one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Sundance.

Payne had gotten his shirt all wet so we made our way into the gift store, which I could have spent hours, and found him a souvenir.

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The view from the ski lift

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My Brother in Law Matt, his friend from Brazil and Payne.

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I don’t know why, but I have a thing for signs

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definitely can’t wait until we go back!

diGGer fOOtBaLL ‘10….

If there is one thing I love, it is little league football. 

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Mostly because I love watching Wylie excel at something that he originally had no interest in. This year he really took off. He ran, he scored, he blocked, he tackled he did all the things that he said he was not going to be good at.

This year he proved that his size was not really and “issue” he proved to himself that hard work pays off and he can do anything he chooses.

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By no means did his team win every game but they were a hard working bunch, that tried and got better each game and came out with a tremendous amount of pride.

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and sometimes when the loss seemed too much…

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a good dad was there to put his arm around you

and let you know that he is proud of you.

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We celebrated Payne’s fifth birthday with all things train…. because that is his one true love.

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He met all of his friends at “This is the Place Monument”

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Payne and his “other” love Lucy

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  They played “train” and of course Payne was the Engine

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Once everyone had arrived we enjoyed a delicious boxed    lunch of train shaped PB&J’s, pretzels, grapes and Payne’s favorite, chocolate milk

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everyone got some train accessories

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and off to the trains they went……

riding the “big” train

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waiting for the small train

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Payne’s dream…ringing the train bell, actually it would have been to drive

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cute cousin’s, he adores that girl!

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he is really into this ride?

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after about 5 or more rides, I am actually guessing more, we headed over to the petting zoo.

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Followed by a serious amount of hand sanitizer,  we enjoyed some amazing cupcakes

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                                   and cake balls

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and finished the perfect day off with lots of presents and birthday wishes.

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Five, couldn’t be better!