Monday, January 24, 2011

diGGer fOOtBaLL ‘10….

If there is one thing I love, it is little league football. 

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Mostly because I love watching Wylie excel at something that he originally had no interest in. This year he really took off. He ran, he scored, he blocked, he tackled he did all the things that he said he was not going to be good at.

This year he proved that his size was not really and “issue” he proved to himself that hard work pays off and he can do anything he chooses.

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By no means did his team win every game but they were a hard working bunch, that tried and got better each game and came out with a tremendous amount of pride.

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and sometimes when the loss seemed too much…

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a good dad was there to put his arm around you

and let you know that he is proud of you.

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