Wednesday, October 6, 2010

oNe moRe sLeeP...

Tonight I put my baby to bed with one more sleep before his 5th birthday.  He has been on the count down for 26 days or should I say nights, almost everynight he would ask me "how many more sleeps until my birthday?" How I love this boy, this boy who was my baby, this boy who has grown so big so fast it makes me wonder were all of this time has gone. I will never be able to recall everyday and know where each moment has gone but I do know that tomorrow we will be out of sleeps and he will be 5.



I thought I would give a little update on what is going on in his world.....

It has been a little over a month since he started Jr. High and he absolutely loves it!  The night before his first day, he had laid his clothes out and packed his book bag. This is not typical Wylie fashion, I would say he is more of a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy.  I felt like it was Christmas eve....

Last week was Parent teacher conference and I could not have been more proud. How was I  lucky enough to have been given one of the greatest kids EVER.  His teacher's told me how much they enjoyed having him in their classes, how he loves to participate, is always very courteous and not to mention he is pulling straight A's. 

He has joined the Chess Club and the Cross County team.  I was so happy that he took an initiative to search these options out and be part of something at school.  He is planning on running for student council this fall and can't wait to participate in the after school art program once he is done with Cross Country.  He is also playing football four days a week and LOVES it. I love that he is "sporty" yet kind of "nerdy", ha ha...

One of the many things I admire about him, is that you can put him in any situation and he will come out with a new friend or two. He has made lot of new friends at school this year and some are even 8th graders. I would say that is huge in the Jr.H world.

I can't believe how much my boy has changed in such a short time, I am so excited to see what the future has in store for such an amazing young man!

Monday, September 13, 2010

This guy…

I think I have mentioned how much I adore him and how I never want him to grow up.


Well once again he showed me what a great kid he is.

We were lucky enough to score two extra tickets, thanks to my dad, to the Ute's first game of the season.

I called to let him know I was on my way to pick him up and he had gotten all decked out in his “U” gear, new jeans, new shoes and a hint of his cologne. He even brought his I-Pod for tunes on the drive there. It was like a date!?!


of course we had to take a picture…



Wylie had to take a picture or 10 billon of the field…


he even snuck in one of himself that is over exposed. He knows way more than I when it comes to technology.

I have to say that I can’t remember the last time I had that much fun at a football game. We cheered hard, we gave high fives, we did touchdown dances and we had some funny conversations. He told me things about school and his life that if we weren’t there at that moment I may have never known. Nothing important, just stuff but it gave me another reminder how important one on one time is.

As sad as I am that he is growing up so fast and before I know it he will  be taking a girl on a real date, I am happy that he is becoming such an amazing young man. I LUV him!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


it’s Friday, I am sure we could all use a good laugh so here are some direct quotes from Payne.

june 2010 053
and because the picture is funny too!! This was in JUNE, yes his hair is pink from Wylie party the night before and he has snow boots and a jacket on, why, who knows.  But he is his own man;)

As we are driving through who know where, my husband says to Payne. “look there is a corn field, where corn on the cob comes from. Payne, “WHAT  corn comes from a FARM!!” (city life, we should work on expanding his horizons)

Me, “Payne we have a surprise for you.” Payne, “Are we going to St. George?” (not quite, but I guess he misses his cousins)

About his name tag from school, he said “ I am glad I didn’t get BLUE!” Why? “Because BLUE is cougars, ugh…” (as if I was just supposed to know, but man his dad has him brain washed, in a good way of course)

Me, “Payne do you have your seat belt on?” him:“NO!”  me: “Why” him: “cause my brother is screwing with ME!” (no, comment.)

as Payne came upstairs, I could tell he was upset. I said “what is wrong” he reply’s “ I just think its FUNNY that they won’t let me turn off the light.” (I just think its funny, direct quote from me!) I guess he really does listen sometime.

I went to pick him up the other day from his friends house. After going to preschool with her, being in the same class and  going to her appointment at Primary Children’s to take a tour of the Hospital, I said come on Payne, lets go.” in his saddest voice “But I haven’t seen her all day!” (he has it bad! ha ha)

Last but not least, yesterday in the car he was talking to himself and I hear him say, “today is my lucky day” so I chimed in and asked him why? “because I didn’t have to go to school!” (it is going to be a LONG 14 years!)
Happy Friday!!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

cAtcHing UP part II

Next, We were able to go to the Pioneers Day parade this year. Thanks to our favorite friend Nicole for letting us invite ourselves and our neighbor and to her very sweet husband who slept out to save a spot, the perfect spot I may say.

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Best Friends:)

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Payne’s Favorite, of course, was the Train

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He kept calling the floats with the city’s royalty on them, “the Princess floats”

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Our hero’s

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Watching through a child’s eye was such a magical experience.


Also, Payne learned to ride his bike without training wheels literally within 30 minutes of taking them off.

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To which his dad saw fit to run out and get him a NEW big boy bike. I love that the next morning he ran out the door to ride in his PJ’s.

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Payne couldn’t be happier and he spends most of his day riding. I would say he is officially pro!


And lastly, Payne has found a new love, our neighbors snake. Yes snake… ugh! I am not fond of it but he is truly  fascinated with it.

Summer 2010 162

We have “snake” sitting time. They let him bring their snake to our house when he wants to play with it. But they had to tell him that he can only come over twice a day otherwise he was over there every half hour or so. It was hilarious!

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Our brother even likes it….

Summer 2010 167

and of course the dog wanted to see what it was all about too.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

cAtcHing UP!!

I feel like it has been months since I have visited, let alone posted something in the blog-o-sphere.

I am not sure where summer has gone, although I know it is not “officially” over. Today I have a glass half empty attitude.

I am sad that tomorrow I will register Wy for JR. freaking high, will attend orientation at Payne’s preschool :( and soon enough be buying new school shoes and getting hair cuts for the school pictures. I am sad that I can feel the days closing in until we are back to the same routine of homework, dinner, bath and bed.

Right now we are living it up with late bedtimes, days full of sunshine, nights with late walks around the neighborhood and evenings on the deck.

So what have we been up to, well lots!

We started out the summer by adding lots of color to our porch, Payne always takes great pride in the fact that he “helps” plant some flowers.

Summer 2010 001

Wylie got a rip stick for his b-day and has convinced Payne that pulling him around is pretty cool.

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(I have got to figure out night shots with my camera)

Payne had LOADS of fun at swimming lessons, that were taught by his favorite Ms. Lisa and of course having his BF Syd there helped too.

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We had some of our favorite visitors come over…

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His mug….

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We played hard with our cousins…

not sure where he is going backwards?!?Summer 2010 060

all I have to say is, these two!

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oh, how I luv this face….

Summer 2010 066

We tore it up at Incredible Pizza…

Summer 2010 048

that is form I say….

Summer 2010 050

and just cause he is that cute….

Summer 2010 054

I may or may not have KICK Chase’s butt

at the go carts!

Summer 2010 043

and wished our sweet Laney a very

Happy Birthday!!!

Summer 2010 058

Yep that’s right, Payne choose the princess

crown for his “ticket” prize.

we’ll be back for part two… stay tuned.

(promise sooner than later)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

aRt woRk…

over the last couple of days I have collected some new pieces of art work for my office..

Nothing fancy or expensive but to me they are priceless.

Art work

I had asked Payne for a picture to hang in my new “office” right after I started my job. He must have remembered because when I came home he said “mommy, I have a surprise for you” and above are his masterpieces. As much as I miss him through out the day at least I get to look up and see his creations and think of the smile and pride he had when he showed me what he made. Oh, do I love that boy.

Just incase you are wondering what these are, his hands are turkeys and the pink creation are snow flakes… maybe he is ready for fall and winter?? I am just saying…..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

gIaNt mArshmaLLows….

I have a husband who loves to indulge my children's sweet tooth! After returning from the grocery store for milk, he surprised us with GIANT marshmallows, chocolate and gram crackers. I love a good roasted mallow over a campfire but since we  have no fire, we turned to our trusty gas stove. I lit those baby’s up and we roasted our mallows over open flame in the kitchen. It was fun, quick,  yummy and super sticky!!!

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If you see these in your grocery store do not pass them by,

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because you would be missing a really gooey goodness!!

dOg-gone tired……

may 10 095

This is Payne in his Halloween costume from two years ago, yes he still wears it… all the time, however it does not fit quite right but that doesn’t stop him. He cant get enough. He loves to pretend that he is a dog just like Norman. The thing is made to keep kids cozy in the fall weather while they trick- or- treat but he has it on in the COOL 100 degree weather we are enjoying, can you say hOtt!! After he is done crawling around on all four, wrestling our dog, jumping off couches, he is dOg-gone tired and smells just like one too:)

fiNding baLanCe….

I recently returned to work, I enjoy my new job, the people, etc... but it has been harder than I thought to go BACK.

I loved being home, in a perfect world I would choose to stay home, never before would I have thought that would be something for me. I miss my kids…

When I stayed home, I knew it was a very temporary arrangement… I made a conscious effort to enjoy every moment of it. I didn’t sweat the small stuff. I was in the moment. I learned so much about parenting that I have really missed out on by working. Unfortunately our pocket book didn’t enjoy it as much as I did.

So, going back to work… I leave early(7:30) so that I can be home by 4:30 to enjoy a few hours of daylight with my boys. But after getting up early, working all day, meeting people demands  requests, I feel like am a little less kind to the people that matter most, I have been very short tempered and it finally hit me yesterday.

I need to look at working like I did my short vacation. Everyday is a gift, my family is what matters most, enjoy every minute you have and who cares if dishes didn’t make it to the dishwasher, enjoy what time you have.

I am going to try and find that balance between working and being a great working mom!!!

feb '10 018

Cause I LUV these boys!!!

I blame him….


Our house is dirty, dusty and down right gross and I am blaming the dog!!

When we (I) decided to get a dog the FIRST requirement was that he would be non-shedding. I felt I did my research (for a whole year) and picked the right dog for our family but this man sheds like nobody’s business. I find dog hair, hair balls, traces of him everywhere.

No matter how much I dislike it, I think he is a keeper, just look at that mug, could he be any cutter? And he is not all that bad anymore (it was a ROUGH first year and a half). He just turned two and has mellowed sooo much.

I am happy we decided to bring a dog into our family, I think it has taught my kids a few lessons in responsibility and love. Even my heart has softened a little.

**Happy Belated BIRTHDAY Norman!!!

a little independence…

with the change of age comes the benefit of a little more independence…

I am trying to let Wylie really enjoy his summer and spread his wings.

feb 037

So Wylie went to his first movie (a matinee) with just friends!! I thought it was so cute that they choose to see Toy Story 3, for the third time. I guess even though he is growing at leaps and bounds, he is still young and innocent.

I was so nervous, but I walked them in, helped them get their tickets and popcorn made sure their phones were off and gave my boy a “side” hug, I didn’t want him to look lame with a mom gushing over him, but I need a little hug to reassure myself that it will all be ok.

Of course I was there ten minutes before the movie ended ready to pick them up, text him to let him know I was there and sighed a huge relief when I saw them walk out….

**I am sooooo behind in keeping up with our blog, this post was originally started in the middle of June!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Looking back just about a month ago I mentioned our struggle with getting Payne in his own bed, well I am overjoyed with the progress that he has made in such a short time.

26 may 2010 001

I have been very consistent with bed times and routines , I would contribute that to much of our success. It wasn’t easy but all good things come with hard work, right?

What makes me most proud was last night he looked at me and said “mom, its time for bed” Oh my gosh… Music to my ears. I told him that I would get him a drink and be in to read. I got in there he was getting his pajamas on himself and jumped in bed with a smile on his face.

Our next goal is going to be getting him in bed a little earlier, this may have to wait until a little closer to school starting because we are soaking up every moment the sun is out:)

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yesterday I picked up Wylie from his dad’s. He hopped in the car with a couple of cards and his birthday present. We talked about how cool it was he got LOAD of cash that he can spend however he wants. I asked what he might spend it on and what we should do that day.

When we got home he was gathering his stuff and asked me to grab his cards. Sure, of course. I took a peak in to see what everyone wrote and this is what I read…


you bring smiles and sunshine everywhere you go. I am so happy to be able to be a part of your life and I love having you and your cute personality in our lives.


his step-mom

I couldn't help but get a little teary eyed.

I am so LUCKY to have a woman like her helping me raise a great kid and Wylie is so LUCKY to have a women like her in his life. I know that she loves him and he loves her.

6th grade and graduation 050

we are LUCKY!!

Friday, June 18, 2010


on the 16th my sweet boy turned 12, I can’t believe it!

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!

june 2010 045

Were has the time gone, really? I LOVE this boy more than words can explain, he is my sunshine!

At his request, he wanted to have a family dinner instead of his usual bash. So on Sunday we had the fam over, it was nice and low key.  Of course I was a little sad not to get to plan something with a theme, balloons, party favors and a cake to match. But I realize he is a pre-teen and is much to cool for childish parties now.

On his big day he did invite a couple of neighborhood friends over for pizza and homemade oreo’s.  Later that night he took a friend to boondocks to hang out. He scored a huge tiger from the claw machine which he was pretty stoked about! We also made it to the Spaghetti Factory for lunch on Tuesday which is his FAVORITE place to eat and rarely go. I think he had a good time and I am glad I was home to get to spend his day with him. 

**a side note, the photo is courtesy of Payne. I think I am going to stop taking pictures and just hand my camera over to these two. I have tons of funny shots, I just wonder where I was when they took these?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

and it’s ONLY Wednesday…..

I feel like this has been the longest week of my life.

I have been waiting to hear back about a job I had interviewed for last week, they had more interviews this week but I keep checking my phone to see if I missed a call.

It is the first full week both of my kids have been home together now that school is out. I pretty much want to SELL them!! Payne wants to do everything and go ever where Wylie does and of course Wylie wants no part of that deal.

Payne’s BF down the street is gone on vacation so he really has no one to play with. Though he thinks she will magically appear if he keeps knocking on her door. No lie he will ride to her house, knock, come back home and say Syd is still not home. Then I explain AGAIN that she will be home after 3 sleeps. When do kids understand the concept of time??

Mr. Strate is BUSY with work and I won’t see much of him this week which means no break for me:(

Wylie needs a new phone because he got his wet! We went to the phone store and they told me that he was over is text allowance by 550 texts!!! My heart sank, but good news is that they were able to back date my plan so that I don’t have to pay $$$$$ and of course just in the knick of time, our cycle date ends today at midnight!!


I think this picture sums up feeling on this  week so far! Typical Payne and poor Wylie just being accommodating.

Monday, June 14, 2010

the Aquarium

I am glad that I have given this place a second chance. I went when it first opened Payne was just a baby and Wylie didn’t really seem interested. But these two and a half are taken by the whole place. It’s worth buying a pass so you can go for a quick afternoon visit.

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not the greatest pic, but I love how all three are together.

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Best Friends!!

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Payne trying to be the size of the penguin.

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Syd, trying to be the size of the baby.

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and of course the real penguins are pretty cool.