Sunday, August 8, 2010

cAtcHing UP!!

I feel like it has been months since I have visited, let alone posted something in the blog-o-sphere.

I am not sure where summer has gone, although I know it is not “officially” over. Today I have a glass half empty attitude.

I am sad that tomorrow I will register Wy for JR. freaking high, will attend orientation at Payne’s preschool :( and soon enough be buying new school shoes and getting hair cuts for the school pictures. I am sad that I can feel the days closing in until we are back to the same routine of homework, dinner, bath and bed.

Right now we are living it up with late bedtimes, days full of sunshine, nights with late walks around the neighborhood and evenings on the deck.

So what have we been up to, well lots!

We started out the summer by adding lots of color to our porch, Payne always takes great pride in the fact that he “helps” plant some flowers.

Summer 2010 001

Wylie got a rip stick for his b-day and has convinced Payne that pulling him around is pretty cool.

Summer 2010 008

(I have got to figure out night shots with my camera)

Payne had LOADS of fun at swimming lessons, that were taught by his favorite Ms. Lisa and of course having his BF Syd there helped too.

Summer 2010 011

Summer 2010 014

Summer 2010 016

We had some of our favorite visitors come over…

Summer 2010 028

His mug….

Summer 2010 030

We played hard with our cousins…

not sure where he is going backwards?!?Summer 2010 060

all I have to say is, these two!

Summer 2010 065

oh, how I luv this face….

Summer 2010 066

We tore it up at Incredible Pizza…

Summer 2010 048

that is form I say….

Summer 2010 050

and just cause he is that cute….

Summer 2010 054

I may or may not have KICK Chase’s butt

at the go carts!

Summer 2010 043

and wished our sweet Laney a very

Happy Birthday!!!

Summer 2010 058

Yep that’s right, Payne choose the princess

crown for his “ticket” prize.

we’ll be back for part two… stay tuned.

(promise sooner than later)

1 comment:

  1. Can Chase's little boy get any cuter!! He is adorable! And you know that I already think that about Payne!
