Friday, March 26, 2010

Play Dates…

Are just as much for mommies as they are for kids! It was nice to have an adult to “chat” with and get to know these mom’s better. We have been so lucky to be invited over to a couple of our friends house this last couple of weeks to have super fun play dates.

First Payne’s sweet friend Lucy invited us over after preschool.  They had so much fun playing in her very cool kitchen with the coolest play food I had ever laid eyes on, her mom saved her play food from when she was little and it was in pristine condition. The highlight of the play date for Payne was when we had lunch and Lucy’s mom let Payne cut his sandwich out with cookie cutters, he has been asking to do it every time we have sandwiches:)


(Lucy and Payne at Payne’s fourth birthday)

Payne has loved Lucy from the first day of preschool and I am so glad that he has her there to make his day better! She is such a cutie pie and they have so many funny little things in common ( like, they both collect pez and share a love of chocolate milk) I know they are four but I hope it is destiny! LOL

Our second play date was just down the street with with a sassy little girl that we are glad to see all of the time, Ms Sydney. Payne and Syd have been friends for a couple of years now and they are really funny together! Both Sydney and Payne are a little strong willed but Payne lets her have the reins for the most part and he follows her lead. I am glad that he has such a cute friend in the neighborhood and she is someone I know will keep him in line;)


(Payne and Sydney, Payne’s fourth birthday) Don’t you love her dark brown eyes?!? She is so adorable.

Thanks Ladies for such great times!!

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