Monday, January 24, 2011


We celebrated Payne’s fifth birthday with all things train…. because that is his one true love.

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He met all of his friends at “This is the Place Monument”

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Payne and his “other” love Lucy

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  They played “train” and of course Payne was the Engine

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Once everyone had arrived we enjoyed a delicious boxed    lunch of train shaped PB&J’s, pretzels, grapes and Payne’s favorite, chocolate milk

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everyone got some train accessories

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and off to the trains they went……

riding the “big” train

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waiting for the small train

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Payne’s dream…ringing the train bell, actually it would have been to drive

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cute cousin’s, he adores that girl!

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he is really into this ride?

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after about 5 or more rides, I am actually guessing more, we headed over to the petting zoo.

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Followed by a serious amount of hand sanitizer,  we enjoyed some amazing cupcakes

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                                   and cake balls

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and finished the perfect day off with lots of presents and birthday wishes.

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Five, couldn’t be better!

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