Saturday, August 14, 2010

cAtcHing UP part II

Next, We were able to go to the Pioneers Day parade this year. Thanks to our favorite friend Nicole for letting us invite ourselves and our neighbor and to her very sweet husband who slept out to save a spot, the perfect spot I may say.

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Best Friends:)

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Payne’s Favorite, of course, was the Train

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He kept calling the floats with the city’s royalty on them, “the Princess floats”

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Our hero’s

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Watching through a child’s eye was such a magical experience.


Also, Payne learned to ride his bike without training wheels literally within 30 minutes of taking them off.

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To which his dad saw fit to run out and get him a NEW big boy bike. I love that the next morning he ran out the door to ride in his PJ’s.

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Payne couldn’t be happier and he spends most of his day riding. I would say he is officially pro!


And lastly, Payne has found a new love, our neighbors snake. Yes snake… ugh! I am not fond of it but he is truly  fascinated with it.

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We have “snake” sitting time. They let him bring their snake to our house when he wants to play with it. But they had to tell him that he can only come over twice a day otherwise he was over there every half hour or so. It was hilarious!

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Our brother even likes it….

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and of course the dog wanted to see what it was all about too.

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