Friday, August 20, 2010


it’s Friday, I am sure we could all use a good laugh so here are some direct quotes from Payne.

june 2010 053
and because the picture is funny too!! This was in JUNE, yes his hair is pink from Wylie party the night before and he has snow boots and a jacket on, why, who knows.  But he is his own man;)

As we are driving through who know where, my husband says to Payne. “look there is a corn field, where corn on the cob comes from. Payne, “WHAT  corn comes from a FARM!!” (city life, we should work on expanding his horizons)

Me, “Payne we have a surprise for you.” Payne, “Are we going to St. George?” (not quite, but I guess he misses his cousins)

About his name tag from school, he said “ I am glad I didn’t get BLUE!” Why? “Because BLUE is cougars, ugh…” (as if I was just supposed to know, but man his dad has him brain washed, in a good way of course)

Me, “Payne do you have your seat belt on?” him:“NO!”  me: “Why” him: “cause my brother is screwing with ME!” (no, comment.)

as Payne came upstairs, I could tell he was upset. I said “what is wrong” he reply’s “ I just think its FUNNY that they won’t let me turn off the light.” (I just think its funny, direct quote from me!) I guess he really does listen sometime.

I went to pick him up the other day from his friends house. After going to preschool with her, being in the same class and  going to her appointment at Primary Children’s to take a tour of the Hospital, I said come on Payne, lets go.” in his saddest voice “But I haven’t seen her all day!” (he has it bad! ha ha)

Last but not least, yesterday in the car he was talking to himself and I hear him say, “today is my lucky day” so I chimed in and asked him why? “because I didn’t have to go to school!” (it is going to be a LONG 14 years!)
Happy Friday!!!!

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