Monday, September 13, 2010

This guy…

I think I have mentioned how much I adore him and how I never want him to grow up.


Well once again he showed me what a great kid he is.

We were lucky enough to score two extra tickets, thanks to my dad, to the Ute's first game of the season.

I called to let him know I was on my way to pick him up and he had gotten all decked out in his “U” gear, new jeans, new shoes and a hint of his cologne. He even brought his I-Pod for tunes on the drive there. It was like a date!?!


of course we had to take a picture…



Wylie had to take a picture or 10 billon of the field…


he even snuck in one of himself that is over exposed. He knows way more than I when it comes to technology.

I have to say that I can’t remember the last time I had that much fun at a football game. We cheered hard, we gave high fives, we did touchdown dances and we had some funny conversations. He told me things about school and his life that if we weren’t there at that moment I may have never known. Nothing important, just stuff but it gave me another reminder how important one on one time is.

As sad as I am that he is growing up so fast and before I know it he will  be taking a girl on a real date, I am happy that he is becoming such an amazing young man. I LUV him!!

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