Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4 yr olds….

they are funny creatures!!


(my little UTE fan at the game on Halloween 2009)

1st- Payne insists on eating from the same plate for every meal. (we have a whole collection but no, just this one)

2nd-He always wants the princess sippy cup!! (you know he loves cute girls)

3rd- He can do everything himself!!! I am so impatient that at first it really bothered me but I let him and when he struggles he always asks nicely for help (I am trying to nurture the independence in him.)

4th-Yet, he can never do anything I ask because he is too tired!! ( that is really what comes out of his mouth) LOL

5th-  He has short term memory loss at our house, you know you ask him to do something but he forgets or is too tired. . At the store he has the memory of an elephant (they never forget) especially if there is something he WANTS!!

6th- The BIG boy bed….He was ecstatic and told everyone he came into contact with that he was getting a new bed but low and behold we got them, bought the sheets he wanted and he has slept in them (bunk beds) 4 times!!! yes four in 4  months. ( He says that he is afraid of a fire, I guess I need a therapist??)

7th-My favorite, he is working on his stand up routine.  He loves to tell jokes. Of course most of them don’t make sense but you have to laugh and then he busts into a belly laugh. Which is just funny all in itself. Here are a couple.

Knock knock, who’s there, your mother, your mother who. You don’t remember who your mother is.

Knock knock, who’s there, orange, orange who, aren’t you glad I didn’t say banana????  ( he was supposed to say banana first, and repeat a couple of times and end with orange)

His latest is whatever you say he will end with “that is what she said!”

There are a lot more but you get the idea.  Good times at our house, if he keeps it up maybe we could get rid of cable??

Well, that’s our 4yr old right now!

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