Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I blame him….


Our house is dirty, dusty and down right gross and I am blaming the dog!!

When we (I) decided to get a dog the FIRST requirement was that he would be non-shedding. I felt I did my research (for a whole year) and picked the right dog for our family but this man sheds like nobody’s business. I find dog hair, hair balls, traces of him everywhere.

No matter how much I dislike it, I think he is a keeper, just look at that mug, could he be any cutter? And he is not all that bad anymore (it was a ROUGH first year and a half). He just turned two and has mellowed sooo much.

I am happy we decided to bring a dog into our family, I think it has taught my kids a few lessons in responsibility and love. Even my heart has softened a little.

**Happy Belated BIRTHDAY Norman!!!