Wednesday, July 21, 2010

a little independence…

with the change of age comes the benefit of a little more independence…

I am trying to let Wylie really enjoy his summer and spread his wings.

feb 037

So Wylie went to his first movie (a matinee) with just friends!! I thought it was so cute that they choose to see Toy Story 3, for the third time. I guess even though he is growing at leaps and bounds, he is still young and innocent.

I was so nervous, but I walked them in, helped them get their tickets and popcorn made sure their phones were off and gave my boy a “side” hug, I didn’t want him to look lame with a mom gushing over him, but I need a little hug to reassure myself that it will all be ok.

Of course I was there ten minutes before the movie ended ready to pick them up, text him to let him know I was there and sighed a huge relief when I saw them walk out….

**I am sooooo behind in keeping up with our blog, this post was originally started in the middle of June!

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