Monday, June 28, 2010


Looking back just about a month ago I mentioned our struggle with getting Payne in his own bed, well I am overjoyed with the progress that he has made in such a short time.

26 may 2010 001

I have been very consistent with bed times and routines , I would contribute that to much of our success. It wasn’t easy but all good things come with hard work, right?

What makes me most proud was last night he looked at me and said “mom, its time for bed” Oh my gosh… Music to my ears. I told him that I would get him a drink and be in to read. I got in there he was getting his pajamas on himself and jumped in bed with a smile on his face.

Our next goal is going to be getting him in bed a little earlier, this may have to wait until a little closer to school starting because we are soaking up every moment the sun is out:)

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