Monday, March 1, 2010


Today Wylie came home from his weekend at his dads. I ask him the same questions, did you have a good weekend, did you do anything fun, did you miss me… you get the idea. He proceeded to tell me about his weekend and finished with “oh yeah we ( him and his step-brother) bet Super Mario for the Wii”. I asked if he had taken his game to his dad’s or was it Cole’s? He said he rented it, I knew right then he was not being 100% truthful with me. I asked him where his game was, I haven’t seen it around for awhile. He responds with "don’ know”. Which made my blood boil, the fact that I spend ridicules amounts of money on his entertainment and that is what I get. I sent him on a search for it, of course he can’t find it because I know it is at his dad’s.  I don’t mind that he takes his stuff there, it is his stuff after all, BUT please bring it back!! Dismissing the fact he is lying to me, I try to make a responsibility lesson out of this. I have a knack for going overboard on stuff like this but I don’t think he realizes how much his stuff costs. So I take inventory of all of the games, play systems, etc… and say to him I could have stayed home for a whole month with out pay if I hadn’t bought all of this STUFF!! I threaten that we will go to the neighbors after school and ask them if they have it and he say’s “we don’t need to involve them with this” (really, involve) LOL. He finally comes clean that it is his game at his dad’s and he didn't want to tell me cause he was afraid that I would be mad!! OMG. I think my response would have been nicer if he would have told me the truth!


if he wasn’t so damn cute!

(Halloween 2009, a nerdy football player?)

This leads me to the Responsibility issue, at first I wanted to believe him, that he wouldn’t lie to me and he really doesn’t know. But this is the ONLY issue have with this kid. Overall he is WONDERFUL, he is smart, funny, polite, respectful, giving, caring he is so many things that I am truly grateful for but he needs some serious help with responsibility. He will tell me the day before he has a report due, homework, a spelling test, oh yeah I have this or that. He can never remember where he has left something or if he did something I asked. So how do I re-enforce responsibility?? HELP:)

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, If I only knew the answer to this both of my daughters would be graduating this year. Some kids I guess it may take them forever.
