Friday, June 18, 2010


on the 16th my sweet boy turned 12, I can’t believe it!

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!

june 2010 045

Were has the time gone, really? I LOVE this boy more than words can explain, he is my sunshine!

At his request, he wanted to have a family dinner instead of his usual bash. So on Sunday we had the fam over, it was nice and low key.  Of course I was a little sad not to get to plan something with a theme, balloons, party favors and a cake to match. But I realize he is a pre-teen and is much to cool for childish parties now.

On his big day he did invite a couple of neighborhood friends over for pizza and homemade oreo’s.  Later that night he took a friend to boondocks to hang out. He scored a huge tiger from the claw machine which he was pretty stoked about! We also made it to the Spaghetti Factory for lunch on Tuesday which is his FAVORITE place to eat and rarely go. I think he had a good time and I am glad I was home to get to spend his day with him. 

**a side note, the photo is courtesy of Payne. I think I am going to stop taking pictures and just hand my camera over to these two. I have tons of funny shots, I just wonder where I was when they took these?

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