Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yesterday I picked up Wylie from his dad’s. He hopped in the car with a couple of cards and his birthday present. We talked about how cool it was he got LOAD of cash that he can spend however he wants. I asked what he might spend it on and what we should do that day.

When we got home he was gathering his stuff and asked me to grab his cards. Sure, of course. I took a peak in to see what everyone wrote and this is what I read…


you bring smiles and sunshine everywhere you go. I am so happy to be able to be a part of your life and I love having you and your cute personality in our lives.


his step-mom

I couldn't help but get a little teary eyed.

I am so LUCKY to have a woman like her helping me raise a great kid and Wylie is so LUCKY to have a women like her in his life. I know that she loves him and he loves her.

6th grade and graduation 050

we are LUCKY!!

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