Monday, June 14, 2010

are you a rOck StAr….

We hosted the sixth grade end of the year party  this weekend. With the help of his teacher and the other room mother Rachel I think it was a success….

we had a Rock Band competition.

“the stage”

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“the Band”

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Mrs. Brown singing

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Gabe on guitar

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Preston singing to Wylie, ha ha… Rachel on guitar

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Wylie is a natural drummer and Ben, the class “mascot”, he is Gabe’s little brother whom everyone ADORES.

“the audience”

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“our smallest FAN!!” he was so excited to be part of the fun.

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the talent agent?? I am not sure why he was on the phone. but that hair due screams punk rocker.

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and LOTS of sugar…..

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This was such a great school year, we just wanted to give the kids a ROCKIN’ send off!!!

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