Wednesday, May 19, 2010

calling in sick!

The other day, I thought to myself , I wish I had a vacation day/sick day I could use. Well SAHM don’t get that benefit and my heart goes out to all of you, cause ladies I need a day off.

Maybe somewhere like this!


But this morning at 4:45 to be exact. I heard a little tiny voice say “mommy, my belly hurts.” I asked if he was just hungry since he didn’t eat much for dinner . He said, “yes”. So we went in the kitchen to make a waffle and some chocolate milk. While he was waiting he said, “I am going to throw up” and low and behold he did followed by the other “stuff.”

So today is my sick day, lots of laying around, lots of cartoons and maybe some time for me to get caught up on things around the house, on second thought scratch the getting caught up idea.

POST EDIT: the day did not go as glorious as planned, there was a LoT of demands, whining and flat out boredom. Payne did not have any other symptoms or episodes so by 2:00 I started getting caught up on house stuff and sent Payne out to play. A girl can always dream, right??

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