Monday, May 24, 2010

first crushes…

I had gone to Wylie’s school awhile back to help out and some of the kids were talking about “girlfriends and boyfriends”  I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said no, but he confided in me that he has a crush on a girl at school. I thought it was very sweet and he swore me to secrecy.

For the last week or so Wylie has brought up a new girls name quite often and has started riding his bike down by her house to “hang” out with the kids over there. I asked him if he liked her, since the other kids were quite a bit younger than he is, and she is the reason he is going over there.  He blushed and of course said, NO!

Well today he came in my room and announced that he is “over” the first girl, cause she is totally weird (boy does he have a lot to learn about women) and does in fact think the girl down the street is “cute”. I would agree, she is sweet, cute and has great fashion sense at such a young age.

may 19 2010 016

With that face I am sure there are to be many heartbreaks for young women all over our town (LOL)

This whole conversation makes me feel OLD, I remember sixth grade and the boy I totally had a crush on.  Oh the innocence of young hearts ;)

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