Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hoWdY, paRtNer!!

may 19 2010 005

Payne was invited to his friend’s birthday party a couple of Saturday’s ago and boy did he have a  root in’ toot in’ good time. As always I was a little over the top and he came dressed as a “real” cowboy, which made him so excited and made him the perfect partner in crime to the birthday girl.

may 19 2010 003


He said that it was the best birthday party EVER! I would have to say it was pretty fun. They played pin the tail on the donkey, had horse races with their cute stick horses, decorated goodie bags, played a game of bean bag toss and there was even a piñata!! Followed up with everyone’s favorite, cake and ice cream.  Her mom made the awesome cake and the whole party was perfect for a little cowgirl.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures, they are really cute. And thanks for all of your help, you should really start a business...
